Welcome to My Story

Hello, New Friend!

I'm Rachael, your go-to guide for housesitting and following your heart.

In January of 2023, I took a jump heart first into the wildest and craziest adventure of my life. I sold 99% of my belongings and stored the rest, packed my lil Toyota Yaris sedan with everything I thought I’d need, and headed off into a world of endless possibilities. I became a full-time nomad…with a twist: I embraced the world of house-sitting full-time. I traveled the lonely, dusty, and endless miles of Western USA with panic on the daily (wtf am I doing??!) and an absolute addiction to the freedom and awe it brought.

After more than 12 months of living this way, I want to share my experiences with you…because if I had a dollar for every time someone said “I wish I could do what you’re doing” I’d be buying up land and living in the middle of nowhere, being all self-sufficient and rescuing kitties.

My naturopathic background blends into my journey; because without that knowledge, living this unconventional life can be hard on health (nomad life ain’t all easy-breezy-cover-girl). So, you’ll find tales of my adventures (and the how-to info), along with wellness-by-nature goodness, that you can dive into and make your own.

Discover the Excitement!